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Great to hear the Hell Yeah!!!

Writer's picture: JBJB

Recently shared this with a family friend in need of a little guidance and support - I hope it all just sounds logical.

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This is all through our own research and experimentation, and to the best of our knowledge today with the information available to us.

Please Note: The below information is delivered to you on the basis of personal background, extensive reading, a complete personal diet overhaul to obtain optimum health for myself and my family supported by a more traditional Premier Training and Development certificate in Optimum Sports nutrition.

We live a healthy, athletic, disease and drug free life, full of energy and vitality beyond what we could have ever imagined. I believe we can all feel this good if we are patient, if we put some work in, and believe we can be better.

The purpose is to provide you some background to myself and my approach and introduce the potential benefits that may well result from a few simple changes in your current lifestyle, both in relation to your general health and wellbeing.

It provides a general introduction to key elements of health & wellbeing that may be widely applied,

Like I said earlier - this will be as basic and straightforward as I can make it, unfortunately it may not come across as simple due to the depth of knowledge that we now have, any questions please ping them over. The science bit email will follow.

Before I begin, not for one moment am I telling you to become Vegetarian or Vegan or some other 'an' although adopting a Whole Food Plant Base WFPB lifestyle is the general direction we would like you to go in, which basically means, Eat wholefoods (as close to their natural source as possible), mainly plants, most of the time! That's vegan but without all the added salt, sugar and fat that make it unhealthy again i.e. processing to make things hyper palatable)

You can still eat fish, meat, chicken, eggs and dairy - good quality, organic, grass fed meats and small amounts, but you will find that your tastes will change, your knowledge will grow, and you'll simply eat less of it. In a later email I can cover some of the reasons you may choose to reduce the above, after being armed with some knowledge.

95% of medical conditions are not genetic not inherited as we were all lead to believe, we simply don't have enough genes to cover every medical condition, illness, chronic disease that is out there. One of the guys we've studied says of Heart disease - it is a food borne illness and toothless as a paper tiger.

(We have approximately 25,000 genes and not the 150,000 they thought they were going to find when they began the Human Genome project)

This following is called Epigenetics - how the environment interacts and influences our genes and in turn how they influence the body's behavior.

When we place our genes in a non-toxic and nutritious environment, they will express themselves in a healthy manner, place them in a toxic and deficient environment we get sick. Makes sense right!

The same interestingly with the way we think; happy thoughts = happy hormones, negative thoughts = negative hormones which then influence the way our body operates. This relates to our relationships, friendships, the food we eat, our internal thoughts, how we vocalize our experiences, even watching, reading and listening to the media.

We have a media ban in our home, not watching the news, or even the radio, certainly it gets turned down for the news broadcasts and off if they start talking about the news, rather we simply play music that we enjoy and puts us in a happy place, sounds corny but this step alone will create.

We can chat about that some other time if you are interested. You may be in that 5% with inherited genes I don't know, but it is your choice how those genes are expressed… switched on or off switched off. The environment you create for those genes is vital.

Just to get you in the swing of things:

I couldn't care less if you exercise or not, indeed I'd say don't bother exercising whilst adopting the fundamentals listed below. By all means take yourself for a walk but heavy exercise is not required, instead put that time into learning how to quickly and easily prepare nutritiously dense healthy foods for you and the family, getting active is more about being out from the house, moving, de-stressing, and appreciating what is outside and under our noses that we just miss with our busy lives

Grab some support, if it's not a friend or family than go online and join a community who will support you and encourage you to stick with it, even hold you accountable. Unfortunately often it is those closest to us that are the saboteurs, due to changes highlighting their own failures or issues.

If you have a wobble or make a mistake or simply choose to have something less healthy- take a moment, forgive yourself, relish the enjoyment that you took from that moment, and then get back on it. Consider was it choice, addiction, habit or outside pressure. Have a think about why you chose that food and then move on. Remember the future or the past is irrelevant it's the moment right now that you decide what to put in your mouth. You are what you eat!

Commit for a week, two, three or even a month, hook me up on Social Media for a hand to hold and to answer some questions.

Ditch Processed foods - The rule in our house moved from does it have ingredients on the label that we can't pronounce, to - hell, if it even has a label don't buy it!

Unfortunately, corporations are jumping on the bandwagon of vegan, vegetarian, plant based and gluten free; and simply creating a whole new range of processed crap; adding back in the salt sugar and fat and all the other crap we cannot pronounce

Drink plenty of water; this will assist so much with both processing your meals and removing toxins from the body.

Ignore your weight, ok it might be useful to you or motivating perhaps to jump on the scales once a week, but go by how you feel. Do not worry if the needle is not moving, instead take note of how you are feeling, your energy, the condition of your skin. Often, we have an initial weight loss then plateau, think long term steady wins, be patient.

It may seem like I have just rambled as I do in the vlogs (Ignite Your Purpose on Youtube) however there are some thought processes you can get your head around to enable a few questions.

I have a follow up email with some of the basic science, read it or not. Ultimately this is far simpler than society would have us believe, its marketing, hype and hacks, actually its bullshit.

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